Cat allergies [removed the cats], RSV, ear infection, viral meningitis, ear infection, asthma, ear infection, ear infection, gastroenteritis, roseola, ear infection, and now, pneumonia.
Sort of late but ditching the daycare situation and looking for a nanny we can't afford.
In the midst of xrays, 4 a day nebulizer treatments and what seemed like endless series of oral steroids and antibiotics I have even forgotten the name of my blog so I apologize to the 2 or 3 people that were even reading it.
It's been a hard few months .. very hard.. with little sleep, frustration, stress from work and baby. Now that we found out he has pneumonia 3 days ago and looking ahead to even more nights of no sleep and days packed with treatments he will forcefully fight against with every fiber of his little but strong body, I do feel like I might be at the end of my wits. I have no vacation left due to his various sicknesses, I have to return to work but there is no way I'm putting him back in a daycare, and my body is falling apart due to struggling 24 lb baby.
There we go .. a perfect hello-again post full of bitching and self-pity. It's all I got, folks!