Monday, July 5, 2010

It feels like Sunday

.. because it's the last day off before the work week, of course.

There's something very depressing about Sundays. I hate Sundays. Wish I could just sleep through them. Sundays are for pondering the amount of work you have to do the coming week and the disappointment of how little you've gotten done (whether is play or housework) in the supposed ample time you had this past weekend. Just depressing.

Maybe if you don't have kids you sleep in, rest and recoup. But if you have kids the weekends seem the most tiring, although also the most fun, time of the week.

Today I still have a lot of work to do. Have probably worked about 20 hours this weekend. Then there are the dishes which I don't mind. If i'd be given the option to wash dishes for the same amount of money I make now I'd probably take it. I'd even take a pay cut .. maybe of 10%. Just think of what a satisfying job if you enjoy washing dishes: each project is very small - a dish. Everyone agrees on what the outcome should be - no bits and pieces on the dish, no grease, no goo. Short bursts of satisfaction! Software development however, a whole different situation .. especially when the requirements change on an hourly basis. Ugh!


  1. Being a working mom is hard... I don't know how you do it! Half the time, I don't even know what day it is and I don't hold down a job!

  2. I know what you mean (even though I don't have a job outside of the home)!!! By the way, thank you for the comment on my blog last week -- Joe appreciated the birthday wish!
