Saturday, May 9, 2009

The silly things parents do or Whatever doesn't kill them makes them stronger

I saw Naomi's post and it reminded me of something that happened a couple of nights ago. Baby G's been sleeping through the night pretty much, just getting up at about 5AM asking for some cuddles - I know, ADORABLE! But a couple of nights ago he got up screaming at 4ish obviously wanting food. Hubby went to take care of him since I had to get up for work in a couple of hours. After what seemed like a long time of screaming I got out of bed to see what was going on. I walked in on my husband, my son's father, talking to his 3 month old and saying: "You see this bottle?! I'm gonna put it right here until you calm down. Then you can eat."

It was 4AM after weeks of taking care of him constantly and I'm sure he's getting tired of dealing with Fussy McSpits 24/7 but I flipped. I don't think I have ever talked to him in that tone ever before and am not planning on doing it anytime soon. I think all I said was "What are you doing? Give him the food!!". He immediately gave him the bottle.

1 comment:

  1. I know you were pissed, but I couldn't help but laugh at that story...was he really trying to reason with a baby? He knows the little guy doesn't really understand English yet...right? lol
