Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hernia, allergies and prevnar vaccine side effects .. oh, and INS

The interview went well. In a week or two I should get a letter that tells me whether I'll get my citizenship or not. I'm nervous although I don't see why I wouldn't get it.

Baby G. cried for an hour straight after coming home from getting his first shot of prevnar. This is not typical of him. Hubby got so exhausted he actually had to put him in his crib for 5 minutes and take a break. I wish I had been home to switch holding him :( instead I was at work while my baby was crying his head off and my husband was going crazy. His sneezing and coughing are a sign of allergies (inherited from his dad) and we found out he also has umbilical hernia which seemingly is no big deal.


  1. poor baby g or more importantly, poor parents! good luck on your citizenship, you foreigner!!!!

  2. I keep forgetting to congratulate you on becoming a citizen! That is a big step, how wonderful of you to make that commitment to the U.S.

    That is too bad about baby G after the shot, poor little guy. :( Logan is getting his one year shots next week and I'm preparing myself for a temper tantrum. Also, that is a bummer about the allergies and hernia but I know a lot of people have that so hopefully those won't bother him as much as that shot!!!
