Thursday, April 2, 2009

A little bit of sanity

Now that mom is gone we've settled into a sort of routine. It still involves a bit of unexplained crying but I can't complain now that we know what to expect and know how to handle it (rocking for 15-20 minutes calms him down as long as he continues to be held).

He gets bored very easily though and since now he spends so many hours awake but cannot play or hold his head it's pretty tiring to always entertain him. I'd guess he's awake for about 5-6 hours and out of those only one (in small 15-20 min bits) he spends in his chair looking at hubby or outside. Do they usually require this much entertaining this early on? The little dude is not even 2 months.


  1. Wow! That is impressive. You have a smart baby :) Logan was still pretty lazy at that age, just sleeping & eating but not caring to play yet. So maybe you won't find G's older months as hard as I did, because I went from having a baby that needed hardly anything from me (which made him easy) until 6 or 7 months old and since then has needed constant, all-day entertainment by me, so the second half of the year was harder for me. (I'm not sure if you read those blogs I wrote?) Good news is I've finally gotten used to it now at 11 months; hopefully you are getting it out of the way early on--I have a feeling you will be the opposite of me and think the second half of G's year is easier than the first!!!

  2. I'm such a moron. I kept checking your old blog and thought, "she's a new mom and too busy to post."

    This is how long it's taken for me to figure it out.

    Looks like you're enjoying all that baby goodness!
